Over the last fifty years Parnell has become a leading global veterinary pharmaceutical business marketing products in 14 countries. We have built a fully integrated animal health platform with a strong track record in research and development, we operate an FDA and EMA-accredited sterile manufacturing facility and offer unique digital technology platforms that integrate with our innovative products to offer veterinarians and animal owners superior solutions to their animal health needs.

Pet Care

Pet Care - dog with head out of car window

The right pet care products can help pets live longer, healthier lives – and keep your clinic running efficiently. Parnell Brand Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride Injection and CONTRASED™ (atipamezole hydrochloride) offer reliable sedation and reversal for patients while potentially reducing hospitalization time and strain on staff. Plus, our canine osteoarthritis (OA) products can keep dogs feeling younger longer to give your clients more good years with their pets.


Livestock - dairy cows

Since your farm, herd and animals are unique, shouldn’t the plan for achieving success be too? We can help. Map the pathway to reproductive performance and overall farm success using the reproductive hormone products GONAbreed® and estroPLAN®. Plus, get the cost-effective respiratory disease treatment RESPIRmycin® to address health challenges and help keep your animals on track.

Dairy Technology

person using mobile app

With mySYNCH™ – the innovative management web application that turns data into analytical tools and insights – you can set goals, benchmark progress and achieve success. Using your herd’s fertility data, mySYNCH helps you, your veterinarian and other key advisors work together to implement the most effective reproductive program, saving you time and money.